Bacula Web interface or GUI Configuration
What is Bacula-web?
Bacula-web is a php based web program that provides you a summarized output of jobs that have already run. It obtains its information from your Bacula catalog database. Aside from a nice graphical display, it provides summaries of your jobs, as well as graphs of job usage. This is a fairly high level Bacula management tool.
You must have a web server
You must have PHP installed and working with your web server. We have tested php versions 4.3.4 and 5.0.4. For more information on php, please see: http://www.php.net
The following packages should be installed or configured as part of PHP.
Gettext (optional)
GD 2.x or greater
TrueType (optional)
Pear DB (http://pear.php.net/package/DB)
MySQL or PostgreSQL
The dbsize contrib package if you use PostgreSQL
Bacula must also be installed and working, but does not need to be running to use Bacula-web.
Your MySQL or PostgreSQL program must be running.
Download Bacula-Web
Installing bacula-web in Debian
Download bacula-gui-1.38.5.tar.gz in your webserver root directory for example /var/www
#wget http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bacula/bacula-gui-1.38.5.tar.gz
now unpack this file using unp command for this you need to install unp package using the following command
#apt-get install unp
#unp bacula-gui-1.38.5.tar.gz
#cd bacula-gui-1.38.5
#mv bacula-web /var/www
this will move bacula-web directory in to your webserver root folder
Now you need to install some of the important packages required for bacula-web using the following commnds
#apt-get install pear php4-pear php4-gd php4-mysql
After installing these things you need to restart your apache webserver using
#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Now you need to edit the /var/www/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf file and put your preferences as well as ensuring that the database configuration parameters point to the Bacula database you are using.
Now you need to give the write access to the required config file.
After installing all these we need to enable gd and mysql modules
#vi /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini
uncomment these two lines and restart apache server
#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
that's it your bacula-web is ready for testing
Testing your bacula-web
Go to http://your ip address/bacula-web/test.php
It should produce output that looks like:
Checking system for dependencies...
Checking gettext: YES Language support enabled
Checking Pear(DB): YES Pear DB enabled
Checking GD: YES GD support enabled
Please, click the link below to test your graph system capabilities (Bacula-web only use PNG):
Once this is ready and you can check the orginal bacula status using the following