disable X on boot in debian Chasing unstable/sid is fun, but buggy
First get the root shell by entering the following at the boot prompt:
boot: Linux vga=normal s
Here, Linux is the label for the kernel image you are booting; "vga=normal" will make sure
There are few ways to disable all the X starting daemons:
Here, number in
Only the first one in the list is "the one true way" in Debian. The last one is easy but only works on Debian and requires you to set the display manager again later using
You can still start X with the Cannot boot the debain systemNo problem, even if you didn't bother to make a boot disk during install. If
boot: rescue root=/dev/hda12 3
Then you are booted into an almost fully functional system using the kernel on the floppy. (There may be minor glitches due to lack of kernel features or modules.) Recording shell activities in debianSystem administration involves much more elaborate tasks in a Unix environment than in an ordinary personal computer environment. Make sure to know the most basic means of configuration in case you need to recover from system trouble. X11-based GUI configuration tools look nice and convenient but are often unsuitable in these emergency situations.
In this context, recording shell activities is a good practice, especially as root.
Emacs: Use M-x shell to start recording into a buffer, and use C-x C-w to write the buffer to a file. Shell: Use the
$ script
Script started, file is typescript
... do whatever ...
$ col -bx <typescript >savefile
$ vi savefile
The following can be used instead of $ bash -i 2>&1 | tee typescript
Recording X activitiesIf you need to record the graphic image of an X application, including an Using Alt-SysRq Key in DebianInsurance against system malfunction is provided by the kernel compile option "Magic SysRq key". Pressing Alt-SysRq on an i386, followed by one of the keys r 0 k e i s u b, does the magic. Un`r'aw restores the keyboard after things like X crashes. Changing the console loglevel to `0' reduces error messages. sa`k' (system attention key) kills all processes on the current virtual console. t`e'rminate kills all processes on the current terminal except `S'ync, `u'mount, and re`b'oot are for getting out of really bad situations.
Debian default installation kernels are not compiled with this option at the time this document is written. Recompile the kernel to activate this function. Detailed information is in