Discus Configuration in Debian

Discus is a GPL text-mode disk space usage program.Discus aims to make df(1) prettier. Features include color, bar graphs, and smart formatting of numbers (automatically choosing the most suitable size from kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes). Or choose your own size, along with specifying the number of decimal places

Discus installation in Debian 

# apt-get install discus

and press enter discus installation starts and it will complete. After this if you want to use discus use the following command


output looks like this

 Mount           Total         Used         Free        Prcnt      Graph

/               538.19 gig     1.20 gig   509.66 gig    0.2%    [----------]

/dev/shm        0.99 gig         0 KB     0.99 gig     0.0%     [----------]

/boot           88.2 meg     14.7 meg   68.8 meg    16.6%   [**--------]

+oc/bus/usb         0 KB         0 KB         0 KB       0.0%    [----------]

 If you want to know more about discus check the discus man page below

 Discus Man page



       discus - print a report of disk space usage


       discus [options]


       discus  aims  to make df(1) prettier. Features include color, bar graphs, and smart formatting of numbers (automatically choosing the most suitable

       size from kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes). Or choose your own size, along with specifying the number of decimal places you'd like to

       see. You may also copy /etc/discusrc to $HOME/.discusrc and customize things to your preference.


       -h, --help

              Show summary of options.

        -c     Disable color. 

       -d     Display device names instead of graphs.

        -p     Number of digits to right of decimal place.

        -s     Do not use smart formatting. 

       -t, -g, -m, -k

              Display sizes in terabytes, gigabytes, megabytes, or kilobytes, respectively.  Assumes -s. 

       -v, --version

              Show version of program.


       /etc/discusrc, $HOME/.discusrc