PHPIP Management Configuration in Debian

What is phpIP Management

phpIP management is a complete IPv4 address management suite, built to handle the complexity of managing today's IP address space. phpIP Management was built to scale and address the full lifecycle of  IP address space using techniques that are not administratively intensive. The frontend is completely PHP driven.

phpip Management Features:


Full IPv4 CIDR support.


Support for LDAP based user accounts.


Full IPv4 support using Pear Net_IPv4 class.

User Management

User based management allows administrators to create users and assign different levels of permissions to the phpIP Management interface. Each user can set their own display preference.

Download PHPIP

If you want to Download PHPIP Click here


    php 4.1.0 or later

    php pear

    pear module net_ipv4


    MySQL 3.23.32 or later

    Web server (Preferable Apache2)


First You need to install webserver in our case Apache with PHP support,Mysql server For Apache2 Installation with PHP support click here

Installing Mysql Server in debian

To Install MySQL server enter the following command

#apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php4-mysql

If you want to install a webinterface for your Mysql server enter the following command

#apt-get install phpmyadmin

After installation finished if you want to access the web interface type the following in you web browser and enter. When it prompts for username and password enter the database root as username and enter the password (By default there is no password for database root user)


We need to install important modules now i.e pear modules

#apt-get install php4-pear

After installing this you need to install  Net_IPv4 module for this type the following command

#pear install Net_IPv4

Now we need to install Main program for this you need to download this program from the above link specified  in your web server document root folder after this run the following commands to unzip and untar this software

# phpip-4.1.2.tar.gz phpip-4.1.2.tar.gz

#mv phpip-4.1.2  phpip (This will move all the contents phpip-4.1.2  folder to phpip folder)

Now we are ready to install main program  for this you need to type the following in your web browser

http://ipaddress/phpip/ install.php

Now you should able to see the screen asking the following details

Database Configuration  
Database Server Hostname / DSN:   localhost
 Database Name:  phpip_management
 Database Username:  root
 Database Password: (leave blank because by default there is no password for root user in our database)
 Admin Configuration
 Administrator Username:  ipadmin
 Administrator Name:   IP Administrator
 Administrator Username: [email protected]
 Administrator Password:  password(any password of you choice)
 Confirm Password:  password 
And click install after finishing the installation you need to see the following details
Installation completed, Please rename the following file
 'includes/install.database.php' to 'database.php'
 Default database file will use the following username, password, and  rights:
username = phpipadmin
 password = 1pN3tw0rk
rights = select, insert, update, delete, index on phpip_management
Please point your browser to 'phpip/login.php'
 phpIP Development Team
Now you need to rename the file 'includes/install.database.php' to 'database.php' this is 
very important. Now we are ready to use this software please enter the following URL in you
browser to access this software http://ipaddress/phpip/login.php
Enter the required username and password to login.After login in to this you can create users and 
IP address  management details also.
Details about the some important tems as follows


(Classless Inter-Domain Routing) Originally, Internet addresses were classified as A, B, or C. The early classification  system did not envision the massive popularity of the Internet, and is in danger of running out of new unique addresses.

CIDR is an addressing scheme that allows one IP address to designate many IP addresses.A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number; for example, CIDR is described in RFC 1519.


The IP network prefix specifies how many addresses are covered by the CIDR address, with lower numbers covering more addresses. An IP network prefix of /12, for example, can be used to address 1,048,576 former Class C addresses.


(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) A client-server protocol for accessing a directory service. It runs over TCP, and can be used to access a standalone LDAP directory service or to access a directory service back-ended by X.500. LDAP was initially used as a front-end to X.500.LDAP can be used to help provide "Single Sign-on" across heterogeneous systems.

User Management

Due to the many functions of phpIP, a user based management tool is built in so you can add users and give them rights to areas of phpIP. This would allow someone to create users that can  add/remove cidr and prefixe blocks, while others can only view the IP list. Each user also maintains their own theme/style when viewing IP lists.

For more screen shorts and other details about this software click here