Postfix Mail Server Web interface or GUI Tools
Postfix Admin
Postfix Admin is a Web-based management tool for Postfix. It handles Postfix-style virtual domains and users that are stored in MySQL. It has support for over 20 languages. It was initially released in December of 2002.
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MyPFXAdmin is a set of Web-based PHP scripts that allow easy administration of a Postfix setup. It allows adding and editing of domains, aliases, and users, without direct manipulation of the database.
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AncyraPM is a Web GUI for managing users on a Postfix system. It supports the setting of quotas, limiting POP3, IMAP, and SMTP privileges, and managing forwarding. A logging mechanism is provided.
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MyPos is a Web-based administration tool for easy maintenence of domains, email boxes, and email aliases. It has been designed to work with postfix's maildir support (qmail style), but with some modifications it can be ported to spool dir style. It is known to work with Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL, and postfix.
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phpMailAdmin is a Web-based mail administration interface, designed to be a full interface to setup domains, accounts, and set password. This interface is specifically designed to work with the PostFix, MySQL, and Courier IMAP installation noted on, done by Lucas Peet
Replex is an administrative tool for managing email on any Unix-like OS. It can handle multiple domains, users, mailing lists, etc. without requiring creation of Unix user accounts for mailboxes or authentication. Replex is written in PHP4 and stores all information in a MySQL database. Replex relies on Postfix for SMTP and Cyrus for IMAP and POP3 accounts
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