Install Skype Instant messanger in Debian

What is Skype Messanger ?

Skype is a little piece of software that lets you make free calls to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world. And even though the calls are free, they are really excellent quality. If you and your friends, family or business contacts are using webcams, you can also make free video calls. You can even call landlines and mobile phones at really cheap per minute rates (and there’s no setup or subscription fee).

Download Skype

Skype Instant messanger in Debian

As the root user, add this line to the end of your /etc/apt/sources.list file and save.

#vi /etc/apt/sources.list

deb stable non-free

Now you need to update your source list using the following command

#apt-get update

Install Skype in debian

#apt-get install skype

This will install the latest version of Skype on your computer.

After finishing installation you can open skype from Applications–>Internet—>Skype