Tiny ERP Installation and Configuration
What is tiny ERP ?
Tiny ERP is a complete ERP and CRM. The main features are accounting (analytic and financial), production management (MRP), stock management, sales and purchases management, task automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS, etc. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a dynamic GUI, an XML-RPC interface, and customizable reports.
Tiny ERP Features
Download Tiny ERP
Tiny ERP Screenshots
Tiny ERP Documentation
NOTE :- Before installing tiny ERP you need to check if you have gtk version > 2.6.4 because tiny ERP will deliver with 2.6.4 version.
Installing Tiny ERP Server in Debian
You need to add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file you need to comment out if you have any stable source list
deb http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/debian/ unstable main
deb-src http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/debian/ unstable main
Now you need to run the following command
#apt-get update
#apt-get install tinyerp-server
This will install with python version 2.3 and tiny erp 3.3 now you need to install postgresql (Currently Tiny ERP will support only postgresql database) database and other softwares.
# apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client libxml2-python2.3
# apt-get install libxslt1-python2.3 python2.3-psycopg python2.3-reportlab
# apt-get install python2.3-imaging python2.3-pyparsing graphviz
If it asks any question at the time of installation you can select the default values and finish the installation.
Now you have to read the readme file located at /usr/share/doc/tinyerp-server/README.Debian
Creating Database
Tiny ERP uses a PostgreSQL database to store its data. With the first generation of packages, you have to setup this database manually. Here is a short explanation how to achieve this (you need to execute all commands as root):
Making sure, PostgreSQL is running
# /etc/init.d/postgresql* restart
Creating the database
# su - postgres -c "createdb -q --encoding=UNICODE terp"
Creating the database user
# su - postgres -c "createuser -q --createdb --adduser terp"
Note: If you want to run the database as another user than 'terp', you need to replace 'terp' above with the user you want instead, and you need to adjust DATABASE_USER in /etc/default/tinyerp-server too.
Restarting tinyerp-server
# /etc/init.d/tinyerp-server restart
Install i18n files
The i18n files are located in /usr/share/tinyerp-server/i18n and can be imported to the database with a command like this:
# su - postgres -c "/usr/sbin/tinyerp-server --i18n-import=$FILE -l$LANG"
Note: You need to replace $FILE with the corresponding file and its fullpath, and $LANG with the language code.
For example, to import the German i18n, you issue the following command:
# su - postgres -c "/usr/sbin/tinyerp-server --i18n-import=/usr/share/tinyerp-server/i18n/german_de*.csv -lDE"
That's it now installation is completed
tinyerp-server has by default two accounts
- User: admin; password: admin
- User: demo; password; demo
You need to check the tiny erp documentation how to use and customise tiny erp form here (http://tinyerp.org/docs.php)
Important Points
tinyerp-server uses by default port 8069. If you need to change this, edit /etc/default/tinyerp-server and replace PORT="8069" with PORT="<your port>".
tinyerp-server listens by default to *all* interfaces. For security reasons, we do restrict it to listening only to localhost. If you need to change this, edit /etc/default/tinyerp-server and replace INTERFACE="localhost"
with INTERFACE="<your ip>".
tinyerp-server runs by default in English. To change it, you have to import the corresponding i18n files.
Installing Tiny ERP Client in Debian
If you want to install Tiny ERP client just enter the following command
#apt-get install tinyerp-client
apt-get install python2.3 python2.3-gtk2 python2.3-glade2 xpdf
or you can download clients for windows and Linux from here
Connecting the TinyERP Client Remotely
To connect TinyERP clients from other computers on the network, you will need to specify the interface option to change the server's default IP address from localhost ( to the appropriate IP. You can do this using the following option:
--interface=<server IP address>
Sample command usage:
#python tinyerp-server --interface= -s
Again, the "-s" or "--save" option will save your interface setting to a configuration file so it will be unnecessary thereafter unless it must be changed.
If you wish to use a different port, you can change it from the default (8069) to one you specify by using this option:
-p <port #>
--port=<port #>
Sample command usage:
#python tinyerp-server --interface= --port=8070 -s