#cd /root
#tar jxvf vhcs-2.4.7.tar.bz2
Install all required packages for your distribution, check these files to find a list (included in 2.4.7 release):
docs/debian-packages.txt docs/suse-packages.txt
List of Packages Required for Debian as follows
apache2 apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork bind9 bzip2 courier-authdaemon courier-base courier-imap courier-maildrop courier-pop diff dnsutils gcc gzip iptables libapache2-mod-php4 libberkeleydb-perl libc6-dev libcrypt-blowfish-perl libcrypt-cbc-perl libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl libdate-calc-perl libdate-manip-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libio-stringy-perl libmail-sendmail-perl libmailtools-perl libmcrypt4 libmd5-perl libmime-base64-perl libmime-perl libnet-dns-perl libnet-netmask-perl libnet-perl libnet-smtp-server-perl libperl5.8 libsasl2 libsasl2-modules libsnmp-session-perl libterm-readkey-perl libterm-readpassword-perl libtimedate-perl make mysql-client-4.1 mysql-common-4.1 mysql-server-4.1 original-awk patch perl perl-base perl-modules php4 php4-gd php4-mcrypt php4-mysql php4-pear postfix postfix-tls procmail proftpd-mysql sasl2-bin ssh tar wget
Go to the new vhcs directory
#cd vhcs-2.4.7/configs/
Open vhcs2.conf file and edit it. There are some variables which need to be set to match your current linux distribution. By default vhcs2.conf works with Debian systems
Go to the root of vhcs directory
#cd ..
Next thing to do is running make install
#make install
Files are created now to /tmp/vhcs-2.4.7
Copy all directories from /tmp/vhcs-2.4.7 to your system folders (make backups before doing anything)
#cp -R /tmp/vhcs-2.4.7/* /
Open vhcs setup directory
#cd /var/www/vhcs2/engine/setup/
Set up mysql root password if you haven't done it earlier
sql>mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
Now start the vhcs setup program
Install step-by-step vhcs and enter all the required information when it is prompted
Clean the tmp folder
#rm -R /tmp/vhcs-2.4.7
Now you're done with your VHCS installation!.If you want to access vhcs enter the following url in your webrowser
http://youripaddress/vhcs2/If you want to see step by step guide and uninstall or remove VHCS with screen shorts click here